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Everyone Can Sing


Special Topics
The 17th ハママツ・ジャズ・ウィーク「佐藤允彦ジャズ塾」

「Everyone Can Sing: A Voice Workshop presented by Charito
時 間:13:00−15:00
料 金:¥3,500 (w/ 1ドリンク・税込)
場 所Body&Soul(南青山)



As a gesture of goodwill, noted jazz singer Charito will hold a workshop in an effort to helping singers on every level reach their goals and desires, at Body and Soul, one of Tokyo's most prestigious jazz clubs.
This enjoyable and highly participatory course is designed to help you to find your own voice and to learn to project it with ease and confidence. You may be new to singing or you may be an established singer of any genre who wishes to develop greater confidence. Anyone with a desire to improve their present singing voice, will learn how to sing with a powerful, rich, consistent sound.
In a fun and supportive atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to experiment with vocal sounds and you will be shown the open throat technique, used by most styles of professional singers. Once learned, this voice technique is powerful, effortless and energizing.
By learning to project your voice and sing from the heart, you will find the real beauty of a song and discover how to move YOUR audience.
Students are requested to bring words and music chart for a song you know well and would like to be coached on.
【お問い合わせ先】The Voice Music Office
TEL & FAX : 03-5489-2550  e-mail :

伊東 真紀(Maki Ito): 090-3473-0081
遊佐 真由美(Mayumi Yusa): 090-3068-3608
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